b'96 Mathnumber & operations in base 10Grade Level K 1 2 Double ten-frames on back provide higher-level practice!DD467TEN-FRAMES MAGNETICGrade Level K 1 2ANSWER BOARDS LC471JUMBO MAGNETIC TEN-FRAMES - SET OF 4 Kids learn to show their work with our magnetic answer boards!Each write &Now you can explore base 10 number concepts with the whole classwipe board has 3 ten-frames and room to write equations, plus magneticwith our Jumbo Magnetic Ten-Frames and counters!Simply stick the counters that make modeling simple operations easy!You get 4 double- ten-frames onto any magnetic surfacethen use the counters to explore sided boards and 80 foam counters.Boards measure 6 1 2 " x 6 3 4 ". 66.95 essential math concepts, including making 10, addition & subtraction, DD105Write & Wipe Thin-Line Markers - Black more than/less than, and more!You get a set of 4 ten-frames and 4 dry-erase markers. 6.95 40 counters in 2 colours; ten-frames measure 5" x 12 1 4 ".34.95Double-sided Grade Level 1 2 3 4PP376PLACE VALUE WRITE & WIPE BOARDSOur double-sided write & wipe boards are a great tool to help students learn place value skills!Each board features space to illustrate place values to the hundreds on one sideand a chart on the other so kids can visually represent each number in a problem, then regroup to work out the answer!30 sturdy plastic boards; each is 9" x 12". 69.95DD103Write & Wipe Thin-Line Markers - 4-Colour SetSet of 4 dry-erase markers in 4 colours. 6.95Counters are double-sided!Grade Level K 1 2 Grade Level 1 2GA920TEN-FRAMES CLASS SET PP676VISUALIZE PLACE VALUE MAGNETIC FRAME Kids can visualize a variety of math concepts with these skill-building trays &Its easier than ever to visually represent ones, tens & hundredswith our counters!Each tray has raised grid lines that keep counters in place as kidsmagnetic frame & magnetic foam pieces!Simply place the frame on any practice addition, subtraction & more.Plus, the counters are red on one sidemagnetic surface and use the sturdy foam blocks to demonstrate place value and blue on the otherso theyre perfect for making 10 & simple operations!concepts, addition & subtraction, and so much more!Includes 1 hundreds flat, You get 20 plastic trays & 220 counters; trays are 6 3 8 ". 58.95 12 tens rods, 22 ones cubes & a frame.Frame measures 6 3 4 " x 12 3 4 ". 31.95Lakeshore'