b'Social Studies 115Grade Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grade Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6AW447 GT539CLASSIC SCHOOL GLOBE HANDS-ON TEACHING GLOBEReinforce world geographywithGive kids a hands-on view of the afull-colourschoolglobethatentire worldwith this lightweight, provides a super-clear view offree-mountedteachingglobe! Earth!Perfect for the classroom,The detailed 10" globe sits on a this student-friendly globe featuresremovable base, so students can simple, easy-to-see outlines, pluseasily lift and rotate the globe to get well-defined countries and legiblean up-close and accurate view of textwith enough detail to holdthe worlds continents, geographical kids interest without overwhelmingborders and more!Plus, the bold them.The handy school globeand colourful design, clear text, measures 12" in diameter and isand latitude and longitude lines mounted on a solid wood base formake it easy to locate and identify easy viewing.99.95 countries.76.95Grade Level 3 4 5 6WRITE & WIPE MAPSStudents explore coun tries, continents and morewith full-colour maps they can write onthen wipe clean to use again and again! Choose world maps in a giant 33" x 49" wall sizeor a smaller 12" x 17 1 2 " size for desktop use. The desktop versions even have blank black & white maps on backso kids can practice labeling them on their own!Write & Wipe Map WorldDesktop Map - Each SF2157.95Desktop Map - Set of 10 SF215X 78.95Wall Map - Each WT108 49.95DD103 Write & Wipe Markers4 colours.Set of 46.95Write & wipe!Grade Level K 1 2 35 centres thatPP910XSOCIAL STUDIES INSTANT LEARNING CENTRES - set up in an instant! COMPLETE SETPut important social studies concepts right at kids fingertipswith ready-to-use learning centres that set up in a flash!Simply set out the easy-to-follow, illus-trated instruction chart and all the hands-on materials children need to complete the activitythen students work at their own pace to discover fascinating facts, identify continents and oceans, explore cultures around the world, and more!All 5 centres, each with a guide and everything you need for up to 4 students at once.329.95Each centre is also available sep.Each66.95PP911Economy PP915Then & NowPP913Landforms & Mapping(Shown.)PP914Cultures Around the World PP916Continents & OceansEach centre has enough materials for up to 4 students at once! Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'