b'16 FurnitureFlex-Space MapleLK518LK516LC288\x03MOBILE STORAGE CUBBIES LOCKING STORAGE CABINETOrganizeandstorematerials,backpacksandmorewithourroomymobilestorageunits!Our sturdy laminate cabinet locks for safetyso valu-Designed in 2 heights and with extra-deep cubbies, these durable laminate units feature 4" lockingable supplies & equipment stay secure!Extra-roomy castersthatmakethemabreezetomoveanywhereintheclassroom.Cubbiesmeasurecabinet has 5 spacious shelves to keep materials orga-13"w x 18"d x 13"h.G REENGUARD Gold Certified.Lifetime warranty.Both units come assembled.nizedand 3 of the shelves even adjust for custom LK5166-Cubby Storage Unit Measures 42"w x 19"d x 33 3 4 "h. 1,899.95 storage.30"w x 23"d x 72"h.G REENGUARD Gold LK51812-Cubby Storage UnitMeasures 42"w x 19"d x 61"h. 3,149.95 Certified.Lifetime warranty.Assembly req. 1,999.95LK469 LK468MOBILE CLEAR-VIEW STORAGE BIN CENTRESStore tons of classroom suppliesand keep them within reach! LC298MOBILE BOOK BIN STORAGE CENTREPerfect alone or with our clear-view bins (sold sep. below), our heavy-duty laminate units haveOur mobile centre makes it easy to store lots of books in a spacious cubbies to organize manipulatives, art materials & more.Plus, with 4" locking casters,minimum of space!The rugged laminate unit has 3" locking you can move the centres anywhere.G REENGUARD Gold Certified.Lifetime warranty.Assembled. casters, so you can roll it anywhere.Plus, it features 3 shelves LK468 10-Bin Storage CentreMeasures 21 1 4 "w x 19"d x 42 1 2 "h. 1,749.95 that are perfect for organizing materials and are big enough to LK130 Clear-View Bins - Set of 10You get 10 durable, see-inside plastic bins.hold all 12 of our bins (sold sep. below)just fill them with books!Bins measure 16 3 4 " x 9" x 4 1 2 " high. 299.95 Measures32"wx14 1 2 "dx34 1 4 "h.G REENGUARDGold LK469 20-Bin Storage CentreMeasures 41 1 2 "w x 19"d x 42 1 2 "h. 2,699.95 Certified.Lifetime warranty.Comes assembled. 1,049.95LK135Clear-View Bins - Set of 20You get 20 durable, see-inside plastic bins.TT836Book Bins - Set of 12Set of12 plastic book bins Bins measure 16 3 4 " x 9" x 4 1 2 " high. 579.95 in 3 colours.Each bin is 14" x 7" x 5" high; with labels. 199.95Lakeshore'