b'Reading 65fluencyShown:Grades 1-2 Grade Level 1 2 3 4FLUENCY & COMPREHENSION PARTNER SCRIPTSStudentsbuildfluencyandcomprehension skillsas they read high-interestpassagestogetherthen quiz each other on what theyve read!Each box has 2 copies each of 12differentreadingpassages, includingstories,poemsand nonfiction selectionsfor a total of 24 script folders.Plus, each folder has a self-checking slider card with comprehension questions.Kids just taketurnsreadingthehighlighted parts of their scripts, then ask each other the questions to recall details, make inferences and more!FF478Gr. 1-2(Shown.) 76.95Scripts are highlighted,FF479Gr. 3-4 76.95so its easy for students to read their parts!Slide the question cardto reveal each answer!Grade Level 1 2 3EE501BUILDING FLUENCYIncludes 80 cards at 10 different reading levels!CARD BANK - GR. 1-3 Our card bank makes it easy for students to practice oral reading skillsboosting speed, accuracy and word recognition as they go! Thecardsfeaturefiction, nonfiction and poetry passagesall with a word count at the end of each line.Children use the included timers to read aloud for oneminute,thenrecordthe number of words theyve read correctly!You get 80 cards at 10 different reading levelsplus 4 timers, 4 write & wipe reading checklists,areproducible progress chart and a guide.The cards measure 8 1 2 " x 11". 109.95Grade Level 4 5 6Includes 80 cards at 10 different reading levels! EE503BUILDING FLUENCY CARD BANK - GR. 4-6Give children the practice they need to boost reading fluencywith leveled passages that help them build skills step-by-step! You get 80 cards divided into 10 reading levelseach with line-by-line word counts that help studentsmonitortheirown progress.Children just use the included timers as they read each fiction,nonfictionorpoetry passage aloud for one minute, then count the number of words they read correctly!With 4 timers, 4 write & wipe reading checklists, a reproducible progress chart and a guide that includes differentiated instruction strategies. The cards measure 8 1 2 " x 11". 109.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'