b'Math 83manipulativesGrade Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6LL453SEE-INSIDE MAGNETIC BLOCKS Our innovative blocks are translucent on all sidesgiving students an up-close view of magnetism as they build, count, sort, pattern and more!Children see the embedded magnets flip to create a solid, no-fail connection every timewhether kids construct upward or side to side.Set includes 36 durable plastic blocks in 2 shapes and 6 colours; each block measures 1 3 8 ". 151.95DD133 DD135DD151 DD138Grade Level K 1 2 3 4 5DD150XMAGNETIC MATH MANIPULATIVES LIBRARYChallenging concepts are easy to understand when kids grab our magnetic manipulatives!Includes all 4 sets listed below, for a total of over 340 pieces. Magnetic board sold sep. 54.95Grade Level K 1 2 3 DD133Fraction CirclesSet of DD138Numerals & OperationDD179GIANT MAGNETIC DOMINOESKids will love to get their9 circles; with a total of 51 pieces.13.95 SignsSet of 100 number andhands on these jumbo magnetic dominoes as they work on counting,DD151Pattern Blocks operation sign magnets. 13.95addition, subtraction and more!The large design makes the dots easySet of 49 pattern blocks.13.95 PH345Magnetic Write & Wipeto countand the dominoes stick to any magnetic surface.You getDD135Base 10 Set Board - 18" x 24"84.9528colourfulfoamdominoesandanactivityguide.Eachdomino measures 4 3 4 ".Magnetic board sold sep. on page 82. 51.95 Set of 62 base 10 blocks. 13.95Grade Level 2 3 4 5 6LL840XUPPER GRADES MATHMANIPULATIVELIBRARYFrom measurement and 3-D shapes to fractions and decimals, our compre-hensivemanipulativelibraryreinforcesessentialmath conceptsthatsupportupper-gradecurricula!Each plastic tub includes enough hands-on supplies for the whole class to explore concepts at once, plus a guide filled with skill-building activities.Complete set includes all8tubsshowninaneasy-access, 26"w x 8 1 2 "d x 13 1 2 "h metal storage centre.449.95Each tub is also available separately.LL976Decimal Operations Grids 100 pieces. 51.95LL983Fractions, Decimals &Percents Circles350 pieces. 53.95LL970Fraction Multipliers100 pcs. 56.95LL859Measuring Tapes36 pieces. 51.95 LL988Factor Triangles164 pieces. 56.95 LL985Card Decks936 pieces. 59.95LL879Linking Centimeter Cubes 1,200 pieces. 66.95LL841 Geometric Shape Builders390 pieces. 69.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'