b'4 FurnitureFlex-Space SeatingCLASSROOM STACKING CHAIRSThe contoured design of our super-sturdystackingchairsguarantees years of comfortable seating!Heavy-gaugesteelframesandlegsare speciallydesignedtoresisttipping, while non-marking, self-leveling glides givemaximumstability.Plus,the easy-to-cleanpolypropylenechairs evenstackforstorage.Lifetime warranty.All chairs come assembled. Please specify colour:blue, orange or grey.Flex-Space desks and tables sold starting on page 10. LC513131 2 " Chair 124.95LC515151 2 " Chair 149.95 Stackable!LC517 171 2 " Chair 184.95 LC517 LC515 LC513ERGO GLIDE MOBILE CHAIRSAllthecomfortandsupportofourErgoBounce Cantilever Chairs (sold separately on page 5) but with 4smooth-rollingcastersforultimateflexibility! Featuringsteelframesanddurablebacks,these chairs promote proper posture while providing the perfect amount of giveand come in 3 seat heights for exactly the right fit.Lifetime warranty.All chairs come assembled. Please specify colour:blue, green, orange or grey.Flex-Space desks and tables sold starting on page 10. LC843131 2 " Chair 399.95LC844151 2 " Chair 419.95LC845 171 2 " ChairCasters swivel & glide LC845 LC844 LC843 439.95 smoothly across floors!Make a full circlewith 6 seats! LC534 COMFY PILLOWS - SET OF 6Make any space a cozy space with our LC272COMFY CURVED SEAT Our modular, curved ottoman gives you the versatility and functionality yousuper-soft pillows!Made of squeezable need in the next-generation classroom!Use it anywhere you want extra seating, or put several together to form afoam, the pillows feature wrinkle-resistant, discussion circle or a winding row.Featuring a full wooden frame and made of high-density foam, this comfy seat fitsmachine-washable covers.Set of 6 pillows up to 2 kids and is super-simple to move around.Plus, its covered in durable wipe-clean vinyl, so it will withstandinthe3coloursshown;eachpillow years of regular classroom use!Seat is 42 14 "w x 22"d x 14"h.Specify:blue, orange or green. Each699.95 measures 17 34 " square. 279.95Lakeshore'