b'Furniture 5Flex-Space SeatingPREMIUM WOBBLE CHAIRSThis alternative to traditional seating gives kids a full range of movementand the stability they need to wobble without tipping over! Each of our chairs features a comfortable, contoured seat and a rounded, no-slip rubber No-slip seat is contouredbaseplus, the durable plastic chairs unique for added comfort! design helps strengthen core muscles while encouraging proper posture.There are even built-in handles under the 13"-diameter seats that make the chairs super-easy to pick up and move anywhere in the classroom!Choose fromthe4heightslistedbelow.Lifetime warranty.All chairs come assembled.Please specify colour:grey, orange, green or blue.LC76212" Chair169.95LC768 LC76414" Chair 189.95LC764 LC766 Non-marking rubber baseLC76616" Chair 209.95LC762 keeps floors looking new! LC76818" Chair 229.95ERGO BOUNCE CANTILEVER CHAIRSOurthoughtfullydesignedergonomic chairs give kids the comfort they need as they sit the way that suits them!With a flexible seat back and a unique steel frame thatprovidesbothspringandstability, each molded chair allows children to sit forward and sidewaysand even bounce. Plus,thesturdyplasticchairsfeaturea built-inhandleforportabilityandnon-marking glides to protect floors!Lifetime warranty.Allchairscomeassembled. Please specify colour:grey, orange, green or blue.Flex-Space desks and tables sold starting on page 10.LC763131 2 " Chair 309.95LC765151 2 " Chair 324.95LC767 171 2 " Chair 349.95 LC763 LC765 LC767LC536 LC535LC558XGIANT COMFY PILLOWS - SET OF 3 LC536PREMIUM FLOOR CUSHIONOur inviting cushion provides comfortable floor Our oversize pillows are perfect for turning any spot in theseating wherever you need it!The ultra-durable cushion features rounded corners, a thick classroom into an inviting learning space!Each is filled withfoam interior and an expertly stitched vinyl cover that wipes clean to keep it looking like new. super-comfy foam and includes a soft, liquid-resistant polyesterCushion is 16" square.Please specify colour:blue, orange, green or grey. Each99.95cover that zips right off for machine-washing.Set of 3 pillowsLC535Storage Cart This sleek, space-saving cart neatly stores up to 10 of our LC536 in 3 colours; each pillow measures 32" square. 499.95 cushions(sold sep.)and conveniently rolls anywhere in the classroom!Featuring an open, LC555Giant Comfy Pillow - Each accessible design, rounded corners, an easy-grip handle & smooth-gliding casters, the Please specify colour:orange, blue or green. 169.95 heavy-duty metal cart is 17 78 "w x 17 78 "d x 34 34 "h.Comes assembled. 549.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'