b'Reading 51mastering basic skillsGrade Level K 1 2 3LC684SMALL-GROUPREADING ACTIVITY CART From magnetic letters to word ladders, tex-tured phonics cards & affix diceour com-pact, mobile cart features tons of hands-on materials to help boost & support founda-tional reading skills!Perfect for small-group lessons, targeted intervention, one-on-one tutoring & more, the cart includes 8 trays packedwithenoughmaterialsforupto 6 students at a time.Simply select any of the manipulatives & use them however you want to supplement or enhance your cur-riculumor follow the step-by-step instruc-tionsonthe6activitycards!Cartis 12 3 4 "w x 14 5 8 "d x 38 1 4 "h. 1,349.95Shown:CVC WordsGrade Level K 1 2LM390XSPLASH! READING GAMES - COMPLETE SETA quick, inviting way to introduce CVC words, sight-words and moreoursuper-funpool-themedgamesaresuretomakea splash!Students just draw an inner-tube card, read the word aloud and keep the card if they read it correctlyor start again if they draw a Splash!The first player to collect 10 cards wins! Complete set includes all 5 games, each with 108 cards; cards are 1 1 2 ".For 2-4 players. 104.95Each game is also available separately.LM392CVC Words(Shown.) 21.95LM391Two-Syllable Words 21.95LM393Blends & Digraphs 21.95CVC Words Word Families Vowel Sounds LM394Vowel Sounds 21.95LM395Sight-Words 21.95Blends & Digraphs Prefixes & Suffixes Sight-WordsGrade Level K 1 2 3LM500XREADING SKILLS MAGNET LIBRARYThese magnets help develop essential reading skillsand make them stick!Perfect for independent learning or small-group instruction, our easy-grip magnets are colour- Grade Level K 1 2coded within each setso its easy for kids to master 3 levels of sight-words, match up onsets & rimes to form word families, build words with blends & digraphs, andGG955WORD BUILDING TILES CLASS SETChildren build more!You get all 6 sets, each with 57-75 magnets; largest magnet is 2".Magneticword after word with our handy letter tilesand explore everything from board sold separately. 87.95 spelling patterns & word families to decoding!The set includes 20 vinyl Each set is also available separately. pouches, each with 48 double-sided letter tilesuppercase on the front and lowercase on the back.Plus, the consonants and vowels are LM501CVC Words 14.95 LM504Blends & Digraphs 14.95 colour-codedso its easy to build and sound out words. 159.95LM502Word Families 14.95 LM505Prefixes & Suffixes14.95 GG954 Extra Student Pack Easy-seal vinyl pouch includes LM503Vowel Sounds 14.95 LM506 Sight-Words 14.95 48 sturdy chipboard letter tiles.Each tile measures 1 1 4 ". 8.95PH345 Magnetic Write & Wipe Board - 18" x 24" 84.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'