b'44 Readingphonological awareness & phonicsShown:CVC WordsStudents touch thetextured dots asthey say each sound!Grade Level K 1 2 Grade Level K 1 2LC682VOWEL TEACHING TUBS GG365XTOUCH & READ PHONICS WORD MATCH -These tubs help students learn vow el soundsand develop word recognitionCOMPLETE SETWith our engaging match-ups, children master CVC and decodi ng skills, too!The tubs are filled with miniat ures that representwords, vowel sounds, and blends and digraphsone phoneme at a time! 10 vowel soundswith separate tubs for long and short vowels.Kids practiceKids just select a word card and touch the textured dots as they say each vowel sounds as they explore the objects, sort themor match them to thesound.Then they read the full wordand find its matching picture card! words on the lids!You get 10 tubs, 60 miniatures and a guide.(Shown.) 169.95 You get all 3 sets, each with 60 textured word cards, 60 picture cards, LA374BLENDS & DIGRAPHS TEACHING TUBS 6 storage pockets and 6 answer cards.Pockets are 2 1 2 " x 6 1 2". 153.95Our 12 tubs and 60 miniatures focus on initial blend and digraph sounds.TheEach set is also available separately. Each51.95 tubs are labeled and come with an activity guide. 174.95 GG369CVC Words(Shown.) GG368Vowel SoundsGG367Blends & DigraphsEach centre has materials for up to 4 children! Shown:Sound SwitchGrade Level K 1 Each centre is also available separately. EE820XPHONEMIC AWARENESS INSTANT LEARNING CENTRES TT822Beginning Sounds56.95These ready-to-use centres come with everything kids need to build phonemic awarenessTT823Ending Sounds58.95independentlyjust set out the materials, introduce the activityand let kids work at their own pace!EE185Middle Sounds58.95Each centre is designed for up to 4 kids at once, with a double-sided instruction chart and simpleEE181Syllable Count 56.95picture instructions that are easy for students to follow on their own.All 6 centres. 349.95 EE182Sound Sort61.95EE183Sound Switch(Shown.) 58.95Lakeshore'