b'Furniture 3Flex-Space SeatingSeat back adjusts for maximum comfort!LC405 WASHABLE COMFY FLOOR SEATLC530WASHABLE INDOOR/OUTDOORGive kids a special place to sitwith a cozy chair that provides FLOOR CUSHIONS Comfy enough for indoor use yetflexible classroom seating wherever you need it!The chair rugged enough for the outdoors, our durable, all-weather floorfeatures cushioned back support that adjusts to the perfect cushions provide the perfect spot for kids to sit and relax!positionsimply lift the back of the seat to a comfortable height, Plus,theremovablefade-andwater-resistantcoversarethen just lay it flat for convenient storage!Removable microfibre machine-washablefor easy care!Set includes 6 thick foamcover is machine-washable; seat measures 22" wide.Please cushions in 3 colours; each cushion is 16" in diameter. 549.95 specify colour:green, orange, blue or grey. 139.95LC511WOBBLE CUSHIONJust place this handy cushion on the floor or on a chairforflexibleseatinganywhere!Oursuper-durablevinylcushionisspeciallydesignedtolet students wiggle and wobble while they sithelping children focus as they move.It features large nubs on onesideandsmallnubsontheotherstudents simplyselectthesensorysurfacetheyprefer! Measures13 1 2 "indiameter.Cushionrequires inflation with a standard ball pump (not included). Please specify colour:orange, blue or green.42.95PREMIUM TEARDROPBEANBAG SEATSPerfectforreadingareas, classroom activities and more, ourbeanbagsprovidecozy, flexibleseatingstudentslove! Theseatsfeatureextra-high backs and mold to the bodys contour for the ultimate comfort andsupportplus,eachseat hasawipe-cleanvinylcover thatincludesastitch-closed zipper to keep the polystyrene beadsinside.Pleasespecify colour:green, orange or blue.LC573Teardrop Beanbag SeatMeasures 30"w x 32"h. 239.95 LC574Jumbo Teardrop Beanbag SeatLC574 LC573 Measures 36"w x 34"h. 489.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'