b'6 FurnitureFlex-Space SeatingMultiple waysMultiple ways to configure! to configure!COMFY LOUNGE SEATINGLC231Comfy Round Lounge Seat Our comfy, compact seats are a great addition to reading nooks, group tables, Flex- Seat measures 15 1 2 "w x 14"h.329.95Space desks and more!Available in three modern shapes that can be arranged inLK285Comfy Hex Lounge Seat various configurations for maximum versatility, the seats feature high-density foam forSeat measures 17"w x 15"d x 14"h. 329.95comfort and a full wooden frame for long-lasting durability.Plus, theyre covered in rugged vinyl that wipes clean for extra-easy care.For all, please specify colour:blue,LK284Comfy Wedge Lounge Seat grey, orange or green. Seat measures 20"w x 15"d x 14"h. 329.95RR400COMFY STORAGE BENCH LK118COMFY SOFT ROCKEROur roomy wooden bench has plenty of comfortableHeres a wonderful addition to any learning seating space for studentsand 3 compartments toareaa super-cozy rocking chair that gives keep books and materials organized and within reach!kids a great alternative to traditional seating! Plus, the included padded cushion is made of vinyl andFeaturing a durable wooden frame padded attacheswithhook&loopfastenerssoyoucanwithhigh-densityfoamandcoveredin removeitandwipeitclean!Benchmeasureswipe-clean vinyl, the rocker has a curved 52"w x 14 1 2 "d x 16 1 2 "h.G REENGUARD Gold Certified.base that encourages smooth, safe Lifetime warranty.Comes assembled. 979.95 rocking.20"w x 25 1 2 "d x 28 1 2 "h. Comes assembled.779.95Lakeshore'