b'Literature & Informational Texts 73read-along equipmentFF290 (Includes CD player, headphones and junction box.)Volume controlAdaptable plugsDD210MULTIPURPOSE HEADPHONES WITH VOLUME CONTROLVersatile, comfortable and easy to use, our high-quality headphones are perfect for any classroom!Padded, adjustable headphones feature adaptable plugs that fit into CD and cassette players, junction boxeseven computers.Plus, they have a volume control right on the cord!Cord measures 74". Each18.95DD220XMultipurpose Headphones with Volume Control - Set of 8 149.95JJ665PORTABLECD PLAYER This top-quality player is lightweight,FF290BEST-BUY LISTENING CENTREcompact and completely por- Set up a complete listening centrein half the table space!The rugged table!Our heavy-duty playermetal centre comes with our JJ665 CD player (at left), 4 pairs of FN2924Cfeatures a built-in speaker, anti- adjustable headphones (below) and our LA802 junction box with volume skip technology, repeat andcontrols (below).Plus, its easy to keep materials organized with a desig-shuffle functionsplus1 4 " andnated space for everythingincluding read-along books and CDs!Mea-1 8 " headphone jacks.CDsures 12"w x 9"d x 9 1 4 "h.CDs and books not included. 424.95player measures 10 1 2 " long;FF289Best-Buy Storage Centre Only Our compact metal storage plugs into the wall or runs oncentre only; designed to fit our junction box (sold below) and a player.With 4 C batt. (not incl.). 187.95 handy hooks for headphones and storage space for books and CDs. 89.95GG820READ-ALONG LISTENING CENTREAn instant listening centre and easy-access storage space for all your read-along materialsin a convenient, compact design that fits right on your tabletop!The sturdy wooden centre comes with our LA802 8-station junc-tion box with individual volume controls, plus 8 pairs of FN2924C adjustable headphones that fit onto the centreall with washable ear cushions & wipe-clean vinyl headbands that keep their shape year after year.Plus, theres plenty of extra space to store your read-along materials and books inside! 19 3 4 "w x 14 1 2 "d x 8 1 2 "h.Read-along kits not incl. 489.95GG819Read-Along Storage Unit Only Our rugged wooden unit has room for a junction box and 8 pairs of headphonesplus additional space inside for your books & read-along materials.19 3 4 "w x 14 1 2 "d x 8 1 2 "h. 269.95Additional Listening Centre components are alsoavailable separately below. FN2924C LISTENINGLA8028-STATIONCENTRE HEADPHONESJUNCTION BOX WITHSpecially sized for children, our head- VOLUME CONTROLSphones have comfy, washable ear cush- Junction box has individual volume ions and adjustable, wipe-clean vinylcontrols that let kids adjust their headbands that wont stretch out or loseown sound level.With1 4 " jacks for their shape.With1 4 " and1 8 " adaptorheadphones.(Shown.) 49.95plugs. Each28.95 LA8038-Station FN2924CXListening Centre Junction Box Without Headphones - Set of 8 Perfect forVolume Controls Just like the use with our junction box at right. 229.95 junction box above, only withoutthe volume controls. 31.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'