b'108 ScienceShown:Electricity Lab Grade Level 3 4 5PP220XPHYSICAL SCIENCE ACTIVITY LABS - COMPLETE SETOur hands-on activity labs provide an engag-ing way to explore physical science!Each labincludes7cardsthatwalkstudents throughskill-buildingexperiments,allthe materials needed to complete each experi-ment, a wooden stand to display the cards and a guide.You get all 4 labs.529.95PP529Electricity LabThis super-safe lab has 7 experiments & 29 pieces for testingconductors,creatingcircuitsand more.4 D batt. not incl.(Shown.) 129.95PP226Simple Machines LabKidsbuild a pulley, an inclined plane & more to discover how simple machines make work easier.39 pieces for 7 experiments. 139.95PP528Magnet LabOur lab comes Switched Circuitwith 7 experiments & 50 pieces for exploring magnetism, including compasses, bar mag-nets & more.4 AA batt. not incl. 129.95PP527Force & Motion LabFromSeries Circuit creating pendulums to measuring pull forces, Simple Circuit these 7 experiments & 53 pieces help kids understand gravity, energy & more. 139.95Grade Level K 1 2 3 Gr. Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gr. Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6LE536 MAGNETIC WD984MAGNETIC WANDS -Gr. Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 LA445STUDENT TRANSLUCENT CHIPS SET OF 12 These easy-grip,LA657BAR MAGNETS - THERMOMETERS - SET OF 12Jarof500steel-encircled,plasticwandshaveapowerfulSET OF 12All-purpose magnetsGlass thermometers have safe 3 4 " translucent chipsperfect formagnetsafelysealedinside.have colour-coded poles for easyplastic backings.Each is 6". 36.95magneticattraction!Wandnot8" wands come in 6 colours. 51.95 identification.3" long.46.95 LA574SETincluded. 33.95 WD985Magnetic Wands - LA658Bar Magnets -Student Thermometers - Set of 36 149.95 Set of 36136.95 Set of 36109.95Gr. Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gr. Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6Gr. Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gr. Level K 1 2 3 4 5 6 LA653SHATTERPROOFLA123BEST-BUY RE266LENS & PRISM SET LA216STUDENT SAFETYSAFETY MIRRORS - SET OF 12 MAGNIFIERS - SET OF 12 This 4-piece discovery set includes aGOGGLES - SET OF 12Plastic mirrors are super-safe andHandymagnifiersfeaturedual These flexible plastic goggles adjustshatterproofgreat for experimentingplastic lenses with 3X and 6X magni-prism & 3 lensesconcave, double1concave and double convex.Eachto give students a perfect fit.71.95with light.Each is 3" x 4". 39.95 fication; large lens is 12 ".24.95piece is made of lightweight, shatter- LA217Student Safety LA654Shatterproof SafetyLA124Best-Buy proof acrylic.Prism is 3". 29.95 Goggles - Set of 36 209.95 Mirrors - Set of 36 117.95 Magnifiers - Set of 36 71.95Lakeshore'