b'Reading 45phonological awareness & phonicsShown:Vowel Sounds Shown:3-Syllable WordsTextured dots help Students touch texturedstudents sound out dots to read wordsthe words! syllable by syllable!Grade Level K 1 2 Grade Level 1 2 3GG470XTOUCH & READ PHONICS SENTENCE MATCH -TT875XTOUCH & READ SYLLABLE WORD MATCH - COMPLETE SET From CVC words to blends & digraphs, students build phonicsCOMPLETE SET Our fun-to-use match-ups help students read multi-skills in a hands-on, tactile waywithin the context of simple sentences!The sentencesyllabic wordsas they pronounce one syllable at a time!Children simply cards have a textured dot for each phoneme in the focus words, plus arrows to helpchoose a card featuring a segmented wordtouch the textured dot under kids blend the sounds together.Kids read a sentence, then find the correspondingeach syllable to decode & read the wordthen find the picture card that picture card to make a match!3 sets, each with 48 textured sentence cards, 48 picturematches!All 3 sets, each with 40 textured word cards, 40 picture cards, cards, 6 storage pockets & 6 answer cards.Pockets are 3" x 10 1 4". 174.95 4 storage pockets and 4 answer cards.Pockets are 3" x 6 34". 109.95Each set is also available separately.Each59.95 Each set is also available separately. Each37.95GG472Vowel Sounds (Shown.)GG471CVC Words TT877 2-Syllable Words TT8794-Syllable WordsGG473Blends & DigraphsTT8783-Syllable Words(Shown.)Each centreis designed for up to 4 students at once! Shown:Short VowelsGrade Level 1 2 Each centre is also available separately.PP620XPHONICS INSTANT LEARNING CENTRES PP621Prefixes & Suffixes59.95Children explore vowel sounds, decode 2-syllable words, master prefixes and morewith ready-to- PP622Decoding 2-Syllable Words59.95 use centres that build skills independently!Just set out the materials and double-sided instructionPP623Blends & Digraphs59.95chartthen students follow the simple step-by-step directions to complete the activityat theirPP625Final E59.95 own pace!You get all 6 centres, each with enough materials for up to 4 kids at once, plus a guide,PP624Vowel Teams 59.95 a write & wipe assessment card and more. 354.95 PP626Short Vowels(Shown.) 59.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'