b'106 Science Hands-on activity tubs & themed libraries Shown:Plants Activity TubGrade Level 1 2 3FF980XLEARNING SCIENCE ACTIVITY TUBS - GR. 1-3From exciting experiments to high-interest writing projects, our tubs have everything you need to investigate 8 important science concepts!Each tub includes 40 cards with engaging, standards-based activities covering 5 core curriculum areasfrom math and language to science and social studies.Plus, you get tons of ready-to-use materials for exploring concepts in depth, including science tools, write & wipe experiment posters, vocabulary cards and more!Set of all 8 tubs.1,159.95GG860XLEARNING SCIENCESubject Activity Tub Book LibraryLIBRARIES - GR. 1-3 Rocks & Soil FF982 149.95 GG862 67.95Perfectly coordinated to our tubs above, these libraries help studentsAnimals FF987149.95 GG86669.95investigate topics even furtherasForce & Motion FF984 149.95 GG864 64.95they tour the solar system, exploreMatter FF988149.95 GG86786.95the animal kingdom and more!Each library features 5 paperback booksInsectsFF985149.95 GG86386.95that make concepts easy to grasp Weather FF983149.95 GG86978.95including both fiction and nonfictionSolar System FF989 149.95 GG868 78.95titles.You get all 8 libraries.609.95 PlantsFF986149.95 GG86581.95Rocks & Soil Library Animals Library Force & Motion Library Matter LibraryInsects Library Weather Library Solar System Library Plants LibraryLakeshore'