b'Index 1274-Shelf Mobile Locking Geometric Shapes, Folding102 Hands-On Regrouping Kits97 Journals, Reading ComprehensionStorage Cabinet15 Geometric Shapes, Hands-On Teaching Globe.115 Daily Practice61Fraction Bars82, 84, 101 Giant Magnetic.82 Hardcover Library, Journals, Writing.52, 76-77, 81Fraction Circles82-83, 101 Geometric Shapes, Empathy & Empowerment114 Journals, Writing Prompts76-77Fraction Fun Flash Cards.88 Plastic82-83, 102-103 Headphones.73 Jumbo Beanbag Seat.3Fraction Multipliers.83 Geometric Shapes Tub, 3-D.102 Hear Myself Sound Phone42 Jumbo Double-Sided MagneticFraction Number Lines Geometry82-83, 85-93, 102-103 Heavy-Duty Book Bins.81 Write & Wipe Board78Write & Wipe Boards101 Geometry Bingo.91 Heavy-Duty Paper Trays.118, 121 Jumbo Magnetic Ten-Frames96Fractions.82-91, 93, 95, 101 Geometry Games.87, 90-93 Heavy-Duty Storage Boxes118 Jumbo Pencils80Fractions & Decimals Bingo.91 Geometry Kits, Build & Learn.103 Height-Adjustable Stools. Junction Boxes.73Fractions Bingo91 Giant Activity Dice82 13, 18, 25Fractions, Giant Classroom Timer.104, 124 Help-Yourself Book Bins.118 KDecimals & Percents Circles83 Giant Comfy Pillows.5 High-Frequency Words Key Details Comprehension KitFractions Hands-On Giant Geometric Shapes102 .see Sight-Words 60Teaching Kit84 Giant Magnetic Dominoes83 Highlighter Tape Centres80 Kidney Tables.12, 24, 35From Head to Toe Big Book.71 Giant Magnetic Hold-It-All Teacher Tote.117 Kindness & Respect Game, GrabFurniture, Classroom Draw & Write Page.74 Hooks, Magnetic120 & Play Social-Emotional.1143-7, 9-31, 33-37 Giant Magnetic Human Body Kits, Science106-107, 110-113Furniture, Flex-Space.3-31 Geometric Shapes82 Activity Tub & Book Library107Furniture, Modern Edge.33-37 Giant Magnetic Human Body Life Science Kit.111 LGraph & Array Chart.89 Human Body Model, Laminating Machine.124G Giant Magnetic Lined Page78 Take-Apart109 Laminating Pouches.124Game Buzzers, Giant Magnetic Landforms & ErosionI Know the Answer!.124 Number of the Day Chart93 I Earth Science Kit110Game, Sight-Words51, 58 Giant Magnetic I Am One: A Book of Action Language Games.Games, Bingo.58, 91 Regrouping Chart.97 Hardcover Book114 46-48, 50-58, 62-63 Games, Division .98, 100 Giant Magnetic I Can Read! Books.70 Language Puzzles42Games, Ending Sounds46 Teaching Manipulatives82 I Know the Answer! Language Quickies,Games, Geometry87, 90-93 Giant Sand Timers104 Game Buzzers124 Match & Sort.53Games, Grab & Play Math88 Globes115 Idioms.50, 52, 55, 57 Language Tools78-81Games, Grab & Play Reading.50 Goggles, Safety108 Im Like You, Youre Like Me Lapboard Stand .78Games, Grab & Play Grab & Match Hardcover Book114 Lapboards, MagneticSocial-Emotional114 Leveled Math Quickies.87 Indoor/Outdoor Cushions, Write & Wipe.78-79Games, Grammar.50, 53, 56-57 Grab & Play Math Games.88 Washable3 Learning Journal,Games, Language Grab & Play Reading Games50 Indoor/Outdoor Floor Seats.3 Daily Social-Emotional7646-48, 50-58, 62-63 Grab & Play Inferences, Making. Learning Science Activity Tubs &Games Libraries, Social-Emotional Games114 .41, 50, 55, 57, 60-61, 63-65 Libraries106-107Math90, 92-93 Grab & Write Informational Text50, 52-55, 57, Learning Sight-WordsGames, Math Social-Emotional Prompts75 60-64, 69-70, 72, 76, 106-107 Activity Chest5887-88, 90-95, 98-100 Gram Weight Set109 Informational Text Read-Alongs. Learning Zones27-29, 36-37Games, Math Brain Electronic99 Grammar & Usage 72 Lens & Prism Set108Games, .38, 43, 50, 52-53, 56-57, 77 Initial Sounds Letter Sounds.Measurement.87-88, 90-93, 95 Grammar Games50, 53, 56-57 .38-39, 42, 44-46, 48, 57 38-39, 42-44, 46-49, 53-56Games, Multiplication. Graphic Organizer Ink Pad.47 Letter Tiles42, 46, 48-49.87-88, 90-91, 93, 95, 98, 100 Write & Wipe Boards75 Insects106, 109 Letters, Magnetic .Games, Operations Graphing & Data. Insects Activity Tub & 42-43, 46, 48, 51, 8087-88, 90-95, 98-100 86, 89, 92-93, 105 Book Library.106 Leveled Books & ReadersGames, Phonics. Graphing Boards, Insects Specimen Set 109 59, 68-70, 72.46-48, 50-51, 53, 56 Write & Wipe.105 Leveled Books,Games, Place Value. Graphing Chart Pad.105 J Guided Reading70.87-88, 90-95 Graphing Paper105 Journal Activities Leveled Libraries68-70Games, Problem Solving90-91 Group Tables, Mobile.12, 24, 35 43, 52, 58, 61, 76-77, 81, 86 Leveled LibraryGames, Reading. Growth Mindset Journal, Daily Phonological Checkout Chart6946-48, 50-58, 62-63 Daily Practice Journals.76 Awareness Practice43 Leveled LibraryGames, Reading Comprehension. Guided Reading Leveled Books. Journal, Mobile Storage Cart.6950, 52-53, 56-57, 62-63 70 Phonics Daily Activity.43 Lids, Storage Box.118Games, Social-Emotional.114 Journal, Life Cycle Specimen Set109Games, Splash! Reading51 H Sight-Word Daily Activity58 Life Cycles71, 106, 109Games, Tower of Sight-Words.58 Habitats Life Science Kit110 Journal, Vocabulary76 Life Science.106-107, 109-111Games, Vocabulary Hands-On Kit, CVC Words.49 Journals, Life Science Kits,.52-53, 56-58, 63 Hands-On Kit, Sight-Words.49 Correct the Sentence! Daily77 Meet the Standards110-111Gas, Liquid & Solid.106-107 Hands-On Kit, Vowel Sounds.49 Journals, Lined Page, Giant Magnetic.78Gear Clocks104 Hands-On Daily Language Practice.52 Linking Centimeter Cubes83Geoboards, Best-Buy.102 Math Teaching Kits.84-85 Journals, Diversity & Inclusion Linking Cubes, Unifix82Geography115 Hands-On Math Tiles.101 Daily Practice77 Liquid, Gas & Solid.106-107Geometric Shapes Hands-On Journals, Draw & Write.76 Liquid Measurement Kit.10582-83, 87-88, 102-103 Multiplication & Division Kit98 Journals, Math86 Listening & Audio Equipment.73Geometric Shapes, Foam.82 Hands-On Reading Skills Journals, Literature, Science.Teaching Kits49 Paragraph of the Week.77 .60, 63, 69-72, 106-107Lakeshore'