b'76 Arts & CraftsCONSTRUCTION PAPERThe48-lb.stockconstructionpapercomesinyourchoiceofSUPERBRIGHT SULPHITE CONSTRUCTION PAPER2 sizes and 19 colours.You get 50 sheets per package.PleaseThis vibrant, top-quality construction paper is made of 100% sulphite fibresso its specify your colour choice from the list below.super-strong, fade-resistant and easy to work with! Heavyweight, 76-lb. paper is acid-PA100 Construction Paper - 9" x 12" free; comes in 2 sizes and 19 bright colours. Please specify colour from the list below.Package of 50 sheets; each measures 9" x 12".2.95 TA70 Superbright Sulphite Construction Paper - 9" x 12"PA150XConstruction Paper - 9" x 12" Case Package of 50 sheets; each measures 9" x 12".5.45Case of 50 packages; must all be the same colour.134.95 TA80X Superbright Sulphite Construction Paper - 9" x 12" Case Case of 50 packages; must all be the same colour.249.95PA200Construction Paper - 12" x 18" Package of 50 sheets; each measures 12" x 18".4.45 TA71 Superbright Sulphite Construction Paper - 12" x 18" Package of 50 sheets; each measures 12" x 18". 8.95PA250X Construction Paper - 12" x 18" Case TA81X Superbright Sulphite Construction Paper - 12" x 18" CaseCase of 25 packages; must all be the same colour. 111.95 Case of 25 packages; must all be the same colour.219.95CONSTRUCTION PAPER COLOURS blackdark brownredturquoise SUPERBRIGHT SULPHITE CONSTRUCTION PAPER COLOURSwhitepinkorangebright blueblackwarm brownpurpleyellowblue greyhot pinkyellowbluewhitepinkholiday redbrilliant lime greensky blue light brownvioletbright greensky bluegreyshocking pinkmagentaholiday greenroyal blue brownholiday redholiday greenassorted goldvioletorangeturquoiseassortedTA5314WATERCOLOURPAPERThisheavy,textured paperisperfectfor watercolours!You get 200 uncoated sheets in 5 tablets;eachsheet measures9"x12". WatercolourssoldonDRAWING PAPER Thick, 50-lb. paper is perfect for use with markers, page 70. 39.95 crayons, chalk and paint.Each pack below contains 500 sheets.PC5316 Paper Size White Drawing Paper Manila Drawing PaperFINGERPAINT PAPER 9" x 12" NA1651 27.95 NA1652 29.95Huge, 16" x 22" sheets12" x 18" NA1751 61.95 NA1752 62.95feature smoothly glazed surfaces ideal for finger painting.Package of 100 sheets with a 60-lb. basis weight.Finger-paint sold on page 68.17.95TS108RAINBOW SCRATCH PAPERDazzling, super-colourful pictures are a cinch to createwith our scratch-through rainbow paper!TAGBOARD This multipurpose tagboard is smooth enough for paintingand Children use the included scratch- strong enough for making posters, cutouts, cards and more.Each pack below ing sticks just like pencils to drawcontains 100 sheets; the Superbright Tagboard packs include 20 each of 5 colours.through the papers surfacerevealing a rainbow of coloursPaper SizeWhite Tagboard Superbright Tagboardunderneath!Includes 30 sheets of9" x 12" TD271 10.95 TD272 22.957" x 9" paper and 6 scratching12" x 18" TD273 20.95 TD274 42.95sticks. 17.95LakeshoreEC_2025_076-077_X6_KO_R1.indd 76 2024-12-18 1:2\x1cPM'