b'208 MathNUMBERS & COUNTINGCounters are double-sided!GA920TEN-FRAMES CLASS SET LC471JUMBO MAGNETIC TEN-FRAMES - SET OF 4Kids can visualize a variety of math concepts with these skill-building trays andExplore base ten number concepts with the whole classwith our giant counters!Each tray has raised grid lines that keep counters in place as kidsmagnetic ten-frames & counters!Simply stick the ten-frames onto any magnetic practice addition, subtraction and more.Plus, the counters are red on onesurfacethen use the counters to explore essential math concepts, including side and blue on the otherso theyre perfect for making 10 and counting!making ten, addition & subtraction, and more than/less than!You get a set of Includes 20 plastic trays and 220 counters.Trays measure 6 3 8 ". 58.95 4 ten-frames and 40 counters in 2 colours; ten-frames are 5" x 12 1 4 ". 34.95UNIFIX CUBESFrom building number sense and counting to patterning and measuringLC676MAGNETIC NUMBERS & COUNTERSthese easy-linking cubes give kids tons of hands-on practice with early math Great for independent practice with counting, simple equations and more!concepts!Plastic cubes come in 10 colours; each cube measures3 4 ".Our set of 130 thick, easy-to-grip foam magnets features colourfulTY4225100 Cubes 19.95numbers, counters and operation signs, all in a handy storage tub.TY4221500 Cubes 81.95Magnets measure 1 1 2 "-2".Board sold separately. 51.95 TY42001,000 Cubes 157.95RR621Magnetic Write & Wipe Lapboard TY2171-10 STAIR 10-channel plastic stair displays increasing Board measures 9" x 12". 12.95 quantities as kids match cubes to numbers on each channel. 11.95LL565SETNUMBER SEQUENCINGShown:1-10 PuzzlesPUZZLES - COMPLETE SETOur fun, themed puzzles help children build number skillspiece by piece!Each set includes 3 adorable wooden puz-zlesall with simple numbered pieces. Students arrange the colour-coded pieces in numerical order to build each vibrant pictureand get an engaging introduction to sequencing and early counting!You get all 3 sets listed below, for a total of 9 different puzzles. 154.95Each puzzle set is also available separately. Skill-building puzzles in 3 fun themes!LL5671-10 Puzzles - Set of 36" x 10" puzzles, each with 10 pieces. 31.95LL5681-20 Puzzles - Set of 36" x 20" puzzles, each with 20 pieces. 51.95LL5691-30 Puzzles - Set of 36" x 30" puzzles, each with 30 pieces. 71.95LakeshoreEC_2025_208-209_X7_KO.indd 208 2024-12-10 2:11PM'