b'Kids Coloursfurniture is available in 4 colours: Furniture 139KIDS COLOURSblue red yellow greenEE517EE515 EE513 EE511 EE509 EE505 EE504KIDS COLOURS STACKING CHAIRS EE504 6" Kids Colours Chair 134.95 Super-rugged, comfortable seating that stands up to anything children can dishEE50571 2 " Kids Colours Chair 144.95out!Our brawny Kids Colours chairs are built for years of classroom usewithEE50991 2 " Kids Colours Chair 159.95securely braced, all-steel frames that are incredibly thick and stable.Plus, theEE511111 2 " Kids Colours Chair 174.95seats are solidly molded from polypropylene and ergonomically contouredforEE513131 2 " Kids Colours Chair 184.95superior comfort that lasts and lasts.Lifetime warranty.Please specify colour:EE515151 2 " Kids Colours Chair 199.95blue, red, yellow or green.For help matching chair sizes to tables, see the chartEE517171 2 " Teachers on page 148.All chairs come assembled! Kids Colours Chair 224.95Stackable!KIDS COLOURS ADJUSTABLE TABLES Our heavy-duty tables are builtto last!Thick, 1 1 4 " tabletops feature wipe-clean laminate on both the surface & KIDS COLOURSADJUSTABLE underside, with rounded corners and thick vinyl edgebands for safety & durability. RECTANGULAR TABLES Plus, sturdy steel legs easily adjust to the right heightand have tough nylon tips Regular tables adjust from 21" to 30" high.Low tablesthat protect both legs & floors.G REENGUARD Gold Certified.Lifetime warranty. adjust from 15" to 24" high. For all Kids Colours tables, specify:blue, red, yellow or green.Easy assembly.AB38130" x 36" Table 639.95AB382Low 30" x 36" Table 639.95AB38330" x 48" Table 669.95AB384Low 30" x 48" Table 669.95AB38530" x 60" Table689.95AB386Low 30" x 60" Table 689.95AB38730" x 78" Table799.95 AB388Low 30" x 78" Table 799.95Max. seating for Max. seating for Max. seating for Max. seating for30" x 36" table. 30" x 48" table. 30" x 60" table. 30" x 78" table.Max. seatingMax. seating for 42" table. for 48" table. KIDS COLOURS ADJUSTABLEROUND TABLESRegular tables adjust from 21" to 30" high.Low tables adjust from 15" to 24" high. Max. seating for AB37142" Round Table 749.95 group table. KIDS COLOURSADJUSTABLE GROUP TABLESRegular table AB372Low 42" Round Table 749.95 adjusts from 21" to 30" high.Low table adjusts from 15" to 24" high.AB37348" Round Table 799.95 AB36148" x 72" Group Table 999.95AB374Low 48" Round Table 799.95 AB362Low 48" x 72" Group Table 999.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.caEC_2025_138-139_X6_KO.indd 139 2024-12-10 2:00PM'