b'220 Social StudiesPP735XSOCIAL STUDIES POSTER LIBRARYInspirediscussionsaboutfamilies,diversity,differingabilitiesandmorewithour vibrant colour posters!Each ready-to-hang poster has a relatable image that encouragesTitle Poster Pack Book Setchildren to think about and explore the unique lives of people, their emotions, theirChildren of the World PP936 43.95 AA937 114.95communities and more.You get a set of 6 poster packs; each pack includes twentyCommunity Workers PP168 43.95 PP169 81.9511" x 16" posters, plus a teachers guide with activity ideas. 259.95 Celebrating Diversity PP773 43.95 PP774 64.95PP755X SOCIAL STUDIES BOOK LIBRARYFeaturing colourful images and simple text, our library encourages kids to explore theirDiffering Abilities PP257 43.95 PP258 64.95emotions, discover the lives of children in other countries, understand the role ofFamilies PP456 43.95 PP451 64.95community workersand more!You get all 6 book sets, each with 6-12 books, for a total of 44 books.Each book is 24 pages. 449.95 Moods & Emotions PP184 43.95 FF465 64.95Children of the World Book Set Community Workers Book Set CelTerbarnastpinogr tDaitvioenrs iBtyo oBko oSke tSetDiffering Abilities Book Set Families Book Set Moods & Emotions Book SetLakeshoreEC_2025_220-221_X6_KO.indd 220 2024-12-10 2:1\x16PM'