b'SPIRIT OF TRUTH RUGTHE CIRCLE CARPET With a Medicine Wheel/Dreamcatcher at the centre encircled by theIntroduce children to Indigenous cultures with The Circle Carpet. Seven Teachings, the Spirit of Truth carpet will become a focal pointEach symbol is designed not only as a sitting space but also as a tool for discussions of the Indigenous culture. The teachings emphasizeto provide unique insight into Indigenous life.walking the earth peacefully in harmony with nature and all livingJY0003|5\'4" x 7\'8" |$369.95 things. They encourage seeking healthy minds, strong inner spirits,JY0004|7\'8" x 10\'9"|$679.95inner peace, and strong healthy bodies. CPT001|Round|7\'7"|$709.95 CPT006|Round|5\'4"|$279.95SHOP OUR INDIGENOUS STUDIESCATEGORYWHEEL OF LIFE CARPETTRADITIONAL TEACHINGS In Indigenous cultures, the medicine wheel represents the intercon- This attractive carpet reinforces the seven basic virtues that form the nectivity of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realities. Usefoundation of an Indigenous lifestyle. Children will enjoy learning the this carpet to honour and create discussions about the importanthistory of these sacred laws and implementing them as they interact teachings of Indigenous peoples.with others in their daily lives. JY0005|Round|5\'4"|$274.95CPT003|Rectangle|7\'8" x 10\'9"| $679.95 JY0006|Round|7\'7"|$709.95 CPT004|Round|13\'2" | $1,499.95Indigenous St u dies 9 Wintergreen . ca '