b'WORD LIST - TRADITIONAL FOODSWORD LIST - CULTURAL This card set comes with 20 large 8.5" x 11" cards. Features 10 differ- This card set comes with 20 large 8.5" x 11" cards. Features 10 differ-ent images per set. Cards included: Stew, Zucchini, Berries, Corn,ent images per set. Cards included: Medicine Pouch, Mask, Regalia, Oatmeal, Potatoes, Salmon, Squash, Turkey, and Wild Rice.Drum Group, Talking Stick, Bannock, Northern Lights, Moccasins, IR550|$23.95Arrow Head, and Drum.IR530|$23.95 WORD LIST - 7 TEACHINGSWORD LIST - MTIS ICONS Set comes with 20 large 8.5" x 11" cards. 10different images perThis card set comes with 20 large 8.5" x 11" cards. Features set. Cards included: Humility, Courage, Love, Wisdom, Truth, Honesty,10different images per set. There are two cards with the same Respect,SevenTeachings,SevenTeachingAnimals(Picturesofimage - one with the image and word, the other with image words) Seven Teaching Animals (Pictures of animals). and blank writing space. Cards included: Mtis Flag, Beadwork, IR580|$23.95 Bison,LouisRielFlag,Maple,Pemmican,RedRiverCart, Snowshoes, Violin, and Sash. IR540|$23.95 WORD LIST - ANIMALSWORD LIST - MEDICINES Set comes with 20 large 8.5" x 11" cards. 10different images per set.Set comes with 20 large 8.5" x 11" cards. 10different images per Cards included: Squirrel, Eagle, Badger, Cougar, Fox, Otter, Mouse,set. Cards included: Cedar, Sage, Tobacco, Sweetgrass, Smudge Box, Porcupine, Black Bear, and Wolf.Shell, Medicine Pouch, Feather, Smudging, and Fan. IR520|$23.95IR590|$23.95 Indigenous St u dies 13 Wintergreen . ca '