b'INSPIRING INDIGENOUS BOOKSStories of nature, kindness, culture and adventureourish in each of these beautifully illustrated books. Children will love hearing the inspiring and playful stories again and again. From tales of our connection with nature to stories of the unbreakable bond of family, little ones will enjoy the beautiful illustrations while they hang on every word and learn from the many teachings within. Please visit Wintergreen.ca for more infor-mation and details of each book and its author.WGN821|This is What I Have Been Told $17.95 WGN831|We Sang You Home $17.95 WGN815|The Orange Shirt Story $21.95 WGN846|Trudy\'s Healing Stone $11.95 WGN848|A Walk on the Shoreline $11.95WGN816|The Circle of Caring and Sharing $12.95WGN832|You Hold Me Up $19.95WGN825|The Eagle Feather $12.95WGN822|The Sharing Circle $17.95WGN830|Little You $11.95EDUCATIONAL CARD SET - MTIS CULTURE - SET 1EDUCATIONAL CARD SET - POWWOW Madewiththick,glossycardstockpaper,thisMade with thick, glossy card stock paper, this educational card set is 8.5" x 5.5" in educational card set is 8.5" x 5.5" in size. Fullsize. Full colour, double-sided cards are great for teaching youth about the classic colour, double-sided Mtis Cards help bring a basePowwow culture. Includes 7 major Powwow dancers and 7 other important aspects knowledge of the importance of the Mtis peopleof the Powwow, 14 in total. Each set shows a photo or illustration on the front and and their culture. This set features 24 cards in total.educational facts about the subject on the back. Powwow cards included in this pack: Each set shows a photo or illustration on the frontWomen\'s Traditional Dancer, Jingle Dress Dancer, Men\'s Traditional Dancer, Grass and educational facts about the subject on the back.Dancer, Women\'s Fancy Shawl Dancer, Men\'s Fancy Dancer, Hoop Dancer, The Host Essential for teachers!Drum, The Grand Entry, Drum Group, Bustle, Wand, Yoke, Beadwork, Drum. IR660|$25.95IR640|$25.95 Indigenous St u dies 5 Wintergreen . ca '