b"Beautiful puzzle artwork created by Hawlii Pichette, owner of Urban Iskwew. Hawlii is a Mushkego Cree, mother, artist and illustrator.Set of 6WGN2600 - SET OF 6 INCLUDES:The Beaver and His LodgeBeavers are incredibly busy during the summer, spending much of their time searching for their favourite foods, raising their kits and building dams. The nearbyower was designed according to the outline of a beaver track.Watering the FlowersChildren are the future stewards of the land, this puzzle depicts a young child caring for and watering aower. Theower was designed according to the outline of a human footprint.Wandering Black BearBlack bears are solitary creatures, this puzzle depicts the bear making its way through the forest. The nearbyower was designed according to the outline of a bear track.Basking in the SunTurtles live primarily in water but they do enjoy sunning themselves on the rocks during warm summer days. The nearbyower was designed according to the outline of the turtle track.Lone WolfAlthough wolves live in packs, they also can be solitary creatures, especially at night when they venture out to scout the land for food sources. They will howl to communicate with other pack members about their location or if they found something interesting. The nearbyower was designed according to the outline of a wolf track.Grazing MooseThe moose enjoys grazing plants and will spend long amounts of time foraging for super-nutritious aquatic vegetation found along waterways. The nearbyower was designed according to the outline of a moose track. MY LITTLE OGICHIDAA:BENJAMIN'S THUNDERSTORM AN INDIGENOUS LULLABY HARDCOVER BOOKHARDCOVER BOOKMyLittleOgichidaaisinspiredbyIndigenousThisartfullywrittenstorycelebrates motherhood.Itinvitesreaderstoexplorethethe universal joys of playing in the rain compelling dreams and hopes of an Indigenousand the connections to family traditions parent for her soon-to-be-born warrior. Thethat centre and ground us. Elements of wordOgichidaaitselfmeanswarriorinCree powwow culture and Cree words Anishinaabemowin,andthisbeautifullyillus- for colours and weather are interwo-trated book is a tribute to Indigenous familiesven into the story, with a pronunciation who proudly raise their children to carry forwardguide in the back matter. The vibrant their Culture, Language, and Love with resilience,and eye-catching art by Hawlii Pichette, strength, and kindness. This heartwarming andinspired by the scenery of northern Ontario, adds drama to the pages. empowering story is a celebration of Indigenous love and the powerfulThis inviting picture book makes a perfect read-aloud for a rainy day. legacy that it creates. Ages 6-8.Written by Melanie Florence and illustrated by Hawlii Pichette.Willie Poll is a Mtis author from the Robinson Huron Treaty TerritoryMelanie Florence is a writer of Cree and Scottish heritage. Illustrated (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada) and a proud member of the Mtisby Hawlii Pichette, a Mushkego Cree (Treaty 9) an urban mixed-blood NationofOntario.IllustratedbyHawliiPichette,MushkegoCreeartist and illustrator. (Treaty9) urban mixed-blood artist and illustrator.WGN814|$21.95WGN813|$19.95 Indigenous St u dies 7 Wintergreen . ca "