b'MULTI-GAME WOOD BLOCK SET ANIMAL JOURNEYSTACKING BLOCKS - BEAR This block set has multiple games and puzzlesSail the rivers and oceans with Raven and hisStackingBlocksBalancingGamesarea that are fi with exciting challenges andfriends. Measures 9.65" x 5.5" x 2.65". Madefun way for kids to improve their hand-eyelled adventures,waitingtobeexplored.Thefrom natural pine, non-toxic paints and coat- coordination. They also serve as an excellent setisdividedintothreesetsof18-pieceings as well as soy-based inks. educational tool for children to learn about puzzles, each featuring unique and colourfulIR090|$45.95colours and shapes. The game includes 1 big Indigenousillustrations.Thepackincludesbear, 4 small bears, 4 salmon pieces, and 54wooden blocks, a 1-inch cube dice, and aa 1 inch dice with a tongue lock. Measures: 4.5inch hammer. The recommended age for8.58" x 7.28" x 1.5". this set is four years and up.IR270|$39.95 IR250|$45.95 MTIS SPOONSTALKING STICK - WOOD InCanada,thespoonsaccompanyfi This traditional teaching tool is great for use in sharing circles. Only the person holding the stickddle playinginQubecoisandAcadianmusic.may speak. Each person is given an opportunity to share once they have received the stick as PlayingthespoonsinWesternCanadaisit is passed around the circle.closely related to the Mtis culture. MapleIR440|$76.95 wood replica of traditional Mtis Spoons.IR450|$25.95 SHOP OUR INDIGENOUS STUDIESCATEGORYMATCHING GAME: NORTHWEST COAST NATIVE ANIMALS Enjoy colourful and unique Indigenous illustrations on every card! This matching game is a great way to help kids become familiar with the animal world. Help improve problem-solving and develop memory skills for young children and watch them get excited about learning when they fi the match themselves. The compact setnd comes with 48 cards that explore 24 diff erent animals native to the Northwest Coast. Illustrations by various artists. IR180|$24.95 Indigenous St u dies 11 Wintergreen . ca '