b"We're all connected .f ind out more at Wintergreen.caHawlii Pichette of Urban Iskwew is a Mushkego Cree (Treaty 9) urban mixed-blood artist and illustrator who currently resides in London ON. Born and raised in the small community of Cochrane, located in northeastern Ontario.Herworkisdeeplyin uencedbyherculture,upbringing,and re ects the beautiful integral interconnections of the natural world.Her practice includes illustrations, digital artwork, painting, murals, and beadwork.ShegraduatedfromFanshaweCollegesadvancedFineArt programwithHonorsin2017,receivingtheSatelliteAwardexhibition. Hawlii went on to complete a one-year residency in the Emerging Artists Studio Program at The Centre for Creativity (TAP) in London Ontario, where she had her fi solo show in April 2018.rst More recently, she was one of three female artists selected to create murals in downtown Londons prominent Market Lane. She is also known for a series of Indigenous colouring pages that she illustrates and shares on her website. www.urbaniskwew.com/coloring-pages L A N D A C K N O W L E D G E M E N TWintergreen acknowledges that we are situated on the traditional land of the Anishinaabeg\x1fPeople. The Anishnaabeg include the Odawa, Ojibwe and Pottawatomi nations, collectively known as the Three Fires Confederacy. We also acknowledge that the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee\x1fNations have also spent time on this land. Wintergreen is committed to honouring Indigenous history and culture and dedicated to moving forward in the spirit of reconciliation, respect and health with all First Nation, Mtis and Inuit\x1fpeople. Indigenous St u dies 15 Wintergreen . ca "