Hands-On Fraction Tiles Set
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Hands-On Fraction Tiles Set

Product Code:BF191X

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  • Availability: Items with zero or low stock can still be ordered and will ship 3-4 weeks after date of purchase
This Kit Contains:


Give kids a concrete grasp of fractions...with hands-on tiles that make concepts incredibly easy to see and understand! The tiles are colour-coded and perfectly related in size, so it's easy to see how 4 eighths add up to one half...or how 2 halves add up to one whole. You can even use them in combination with our decimal and percent tile sets to help children visualize and compare equivalent values! Set includes 51 tiles in a 10 3/4" storage tray. 6 yrs. - 11 yrs. / 1st gr. - 6th gr.

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