b'CARPETS 15DIAMOND OASIS SUNSET CARPETThis tribal diamond motif celebrates cultural diversity while infusing any space with a sense of home and warmth. Designed to evoke feel-ings of comfort, togetherness, and well-being, thesecarpetsenrichtheclassroomatmo-sphere with inviting colours and a cozy, homey aesthetic. WGN2031Measures: 5\'4" x 7\'8"$369.95WGN2032Measures: 7\'8" x 10\'9" $669.95CANYON TAPESTRY SANDSTONE CARPETDrawinginspirationfromtraditionalPersian weaving, this carpet brings a touch of home and warmth to any environment. Designed to evoke feelings of comfort, togetherness, and well-being, these carpets enhance the class-roomenvironmentwithinvitingcoloursand cozy home dcor aesthetics. WGN2033Measures: 5\'4" x 7\'8"$369.95WGN2034Measures: 7\'8" x 10\'9" $669.95SPIRIT OF TRUTH CARPETWith a Medicine Wheel/Dreamcatcher at the centre encircled by the Seven Teachings, the SpiritofTruthcarpetwillbecomeafocal pointfordiscussionsoftheFirstNations culture.Theteachingsemphasizewalking the earth peacefully in harmony with nature and all living things. They encourage seek-ing healthy minds, strong inner spirits, inner peace, and strong healthy bodies.CPT006Measures: 5\'4" $279.95CPT001Measures: 7\'7" $709.95Prices are subject to change. Please check our website for the most up-to-date pricing. www.Wintergreen.ca'