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- HomeGrown Starter Kit - The Clover School

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HomeGrown Starter Kit - The Clover School
Code de produit : HG100X
- Quantité disponible: 0
- Disponibilité: Les articles avec un stock nul ou faible peuvent toujours être commandés et seront expédiés 3 à 4 se
Cet ensemble contient:
- 4 pinceaux ronds assortis (x 1)
- Livre de composition primaire classique (x 1)
- Marqueurs à pointe large lavables - Pack étudiant (x 1)
- Crayons de couleur Best-Buy - Paquet de 12 (x 1)
- Papier de construction - 9" x 12" - Assortiment* (x 1)
- Pentel Pastels à l'huile Pqt / 16 (x 1)
- Best-Buy Ciseaux à bout pointu - Chacun (x 1)
- Bâtons de colle de gaulthérie (x 1)
- Shaker à paillettes 7 g ea - Couleurs primaires - 6 / paquet (x 1)
- Ensemble aquarelle 16 couleurs avec pinceau* (x 1)
- Pre-Sharpened Premium Pencils - Pack Of TWO (2) (x 1)
- Handy Art Peinture Acrylique 2 oz - Blanc Titan (x 1)
- Handy Art Peinture Acrylique 2 oz - Mars Noir (x 1)
- Handy Art Peinture Acrylique 2 oz - Rouge Brite (x 1)
- Handy Art Peinture Acrylique 2 oz - Bleu Phtalo (x 1)
- Handy Art Peinture acrylique 2 oz - Jaune de chrome (x 1)
- Handy Art Peinture Acrylique 2 oz - Vert Phtalo (x 1)
- BAZIC Pink Bevel Eraser (x 1)
- Colle Scolaire - 118 ml (x 1)
This kit includes everything you need to get started with HomeGrown’s Montessori-inspired home learning activities. Specially selected for quality and durability, the HomeGrown Starter Kit includes:
1 set of Coloured Pencils
1 set of Broad Tip Washable Markers
1 set of Oil Pastel Paints
1 set of Acrylic Paints
1 set of Watercolour Paints
1 set of Paint Brushes
1 set of Coloured Glitter
1 pair of Ambidextrous Safety Scissors
1 bottle of White Glue
1 Glue Stick
1 Half-Ruled Composition Notebook
1 set of Hexagonal Pencils
1 Eraser
1 pack of Coloured Construction Paper
*All materials have been tested with HomeGrown activities and are Montessori Teacher approved! Over $100 value!
1 set of Coloured Pencils
1 set of Broad Tip Washable Markers
1 set of Oil Pastel Paints
1 set of Acrylic Paints
1 set of Watercolour Paints
1 set of Paint Brushes
1 set of Coloured Glitter
1 pair of Ambidextrous Safety Scissors
1 bottle of White Glue
1 Glue Stick
1 Half-Ruled Composition Notebook
1 set of Hexagonal Pencils
1 Eraser
1 pack of Coloured Construction Paper
*All materials have been tested with HomeGrown activities and are Montessori Teacher approved! Over $100 value!
Check out the video below to watch HomeGrown’s Lead Educator Ms. Lindsay Brown unpack all of the goodness.